Compassion & Courage: Conversations in Healthcare

Part 2: Learning to Let Go

September 01, 2021 Marcus Engel
Compassion & Courage: Conversations in Healthcare
Part 2: Learning to Let Go
Show Notes

Date: 09/01/2021

Name of show: “Compassion & Courage: Conversations in Healthcare”

Episode title and number: Mini-Series, Part 2: Learning to Let Go

Brief summary:

While the majority of the Compassion & Courage podcast is intended for healthcare professionals, this original six part series is for everyone. These are some of the most profound tools and frameworks I’ve found for overcoming adversity and staying grounded in the moment.  

In this episode, Marcus asks you the question - What are you carrying? Literally and metaphorically? He shares this short teaching from fiction and a thought experiment on how we can lighten our load.

Key topics:

[0:59] “The things they carry” – A quick reading from Tim O’Brien’s book, “The Things They Carried”

[2:24] “What is something that you’re currently carrying? And what is something that you need to put down?” – Using our minds to intentionally put down heavy weight that we need to stop carrying

[3:26] “So I ask you, what are YOU carrying? And what do you need to put down? I hope you can give yourself the permission to put some of these heavy emotions down so that you can live the most stress-free, resilient life that you can.”

Resources for you:

Want to re-watch this 6 part mini-series, “Six Tips for Self Care and Resilience”? Know someone outside of the health care profession who may benefit from this 6-part mini-series? Please visit:

Join us weekly and please feel free to share this podcast with any healthcare professionals you know who may need a shot of inspiration!