Compassion & Courage: Conversations in Healthcare

Part 4: Gratitude

September 01, 2021 Marcus Engel
Compassion & Courage: Conversations in Healthcare
Part 4: Gratitude
Show Notes

Date: 09/01/2021

Name of show: “Compassion & Courage: Conversations in Healthcare”

Episode title and number: Mini-Series, Part 4: Gratitude

Brief summary:

While the majority of the Compassion & Courage podcast is intended for healthcare professionals, this original six part series is for everyone. These are some of the most profound tools and frameworks I’ve found for overcoming adversity and staying grounded in the moment.  

Do you have hands? Then you can do this quick meditative technique to remind you to be grateful in the moment.

Key topics:

[0:54] “We deal with so much stress in the world. And sometimes stress equals fear.” – Explore the idea that fear and gratitude cannot exist in the same moment

[1:56] “Take the time to stop; it’s time to get into our body so we can get out of that constant mind loop of stress and fear and anxiety.” – Example of the gratitude exercise

[3:58] “When we knuckle down on gratitude, it helps push that fear and anxiety further away from our minds so that we can be more in the present moment.” – Benefits from the gratitude exercise

Resources for you:

Please visit the link above to listen to part four of the 6 part mini-series, “Six Tips for Self Care and Resilience”. Within part four, we’ll discuss how to increase presence with mindful breathing.

Join us weekly and please feel free to share this podcast with any healthcare professionals you know who may need a shot of inspiration!

Know someone outside of the health care profession who may benefit from this 6-part mini-series? Please share it with them!